
Our initiative of the creation of the Hellenic Association of Theatre and Performing Arts Critics (HEL.AS.Th.PA.Cr) is the direct result of the need we feel to a) safeguard, at a time of great difficulties, the terrain of independent thinking, of fertile and interventionist critical discourse, and b) to promote the dialogue and the substantial exchange of ideas and viewpoints among colleagues and artists in Greece and abroad.
Among our goals, as they are elaborated in the Association’s charter, we could briefly mention:

The role theatre and performing arts critics can play in the articulation and the exercise of a sound and well documented scientific critical discourse
The upgrading of the role of theatre reviewing/criticism, the cultivation of constructive communication relations and a platform of solidarity among the Association’s members as well as with members of foreign Associations, the exchange of ideas regarding the art of criticism/reviewing, and its continuous updating/improvement
The respect of the Code of Practice as dictated by the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) (which is the sixth article of our Association’s Charter) and the responsibility for its implementation
The encouragement and support of local theatre activity and its international promotion
The cultivation of conditions which would favor the development of new forms of theatre and performing arts expressions
The advocacy of common interests and the protection of the endangered, in more ways than one, profession of the critic/reviewer

It is among the aims of the Association to present honorary theatre awards as well as awards for spectacles/shows that fall within the broader field of performing arts.

We are confident that the presence of the Hellenic Association of Theatre and Performing Arts Critics will support and promote Greek theatre and its performing arts as a whole and we are ready to work hard to achieve it.